Spanish letters II Spanish letters there is much to talk about. In a first article I mentioned how amazing this language, which I assure you is combined with channeling messages from different planes. Even today I not out of my surprise, because I have met people that hadn't seen more than two decades ago and that by chance threw them cards, who reminded me some decrees that in certain spins left and that the facts emerged days later. No doubt there are relationship and communication, with what we call the more beyond. It is a non-visible plane to our human eyes. The man still unknown all you have at your fingertips; Although in recent times have come a long way in physical and electronic development, as in the case of internet communications, sophisticated phones, among others.
The cards have their symbols and also respond in the form of: Yes or no. Arriving in the United States, I remained many questions regarding the outputs of my relatives and the possible meeting with me. Because I still keep many blog and books of questions I asked the Angels through Spanish letters, they noted the answers of Yes or not and over time by reviewing these questions, many have occurred or have been expressed really as such. Not all people have the ability to communicate, some profit with this means of communication and embusten to thousands of people. However, is given the case that through the letters can be located persons and missing items, can be alerts to prevent hazards or threats of disasters, if used in welfare and the good function.
The forces of good and of light exist and manifest themselves; your help is in many ways. One of them are premonitions. Vehicles such as letters, the tarot, are for me an irrefutable fact of communication much more when the individual establishes a relationship with them on a daily basis.