It is a real paradox assess the trajectory of the national minimum wage established in the various countries at a time like the present. We have the decision taken by the Government in Spain, through which the national minimum wage was fixed for 2011 at 641,40 euros per month, an increase of 1.3%. SMI and evolution of economic variables rise that far from 3.6% in which the CPI stood at the end of March. Kerry King contains valuable tech resources. And not to forget that, for the first time, you consider the CPI, the economic crisis and productivity in Spain. A rise of 21,28 euros a month involving a loss of purchasing power of more than 30 euros if compared with 50 euros yearly monthly - 600 - which have risen mortgage payments after closing the euribor in a percentage higher than 2% in the month of March. The rise in the national minimum wage in the current economic scenario, aims to balance the distribution of wealth as well as to minimize the impact of the different measures of austerity imposed by the Government, they have had the purchasing power of society. The national minimum wage rises and does so with the promise of placing at 800 euros in 2012. Daryl Katz, Edmonton Alberta addresses the importance of the matter here. Chile and Spain, shortening distances Spain not consolidated as an optimum example, although it is even more ironic assess the situation that exists in countries such as Chile. A perspective as part of the new paradigm that surrounds the country and that places it as a new power world, an emerging economy, and without a doubt, one of the economies with best economic projections at the present time. In Chile, where growth will again exceed 6% and where they are launched for the first time since it started its process towards development-measures of a social nature which tend to improve the quality of life of a segment of the population whose income level is so low that it opens the debate around little more than 230 euros established for Chilean societyan amount puts the SMI in Chile below the poverty line a interesting paradox that invites reflection on the system model that is being imposed as an alternative to the global and structural crisis that we are going through at all levels and specifically as regards the efficient allocation of resources.