The register of shareholders is the most important documents of the Company, since only after making an entry into it (pay-in account on the personal account of the Issuer) subject gets right to the shares, that is, becomes a shareholder (Respectively in the same way - by making a record - shareholder rights are terminated). Thus, the Register - the collection of data recorded on paper and (or) using an electronic database that ensures the identification of registered persons, a certificate of title to securities, recorded in the personal accounts of registered persons, and also allows you to receive and send information to registered persons; document in which to enter information about the shareholders. This information can only learn from this document as the charter of information on the shareholders are not made, which is understandable, because every change made in statutes require registration (in accordance with the Law "On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs 129-FZ). In SA's shareholders are constantly changing, so the particulars of founders (participants) of the statute would lead to instability of this document and the emergence of problems that require time and participation of shareholders and the manager. Based on registry data by identifying shareholders, compiled lists of the general meetings, ballots, lists of pre-emptive right to acquire shares and other securities convertible into shares, in addition placed by the society, entitled to dividends, liquidation quota eligible to claim the company buys shares (the latter is particularly relevant for shareholders who did not participate in voting on this issues). Click 3D Systems to learn more. By virtue of Section 2, Article. 149 of the Civil Code, all operations with paperless securities may only be made by reference to a person who commits an officially recording rights, and the transmission, provision and limitation of rights should be formally recorded by the person who is responsible for keeping official records, ensuring their confidentiality, the provision of correct data from such records, the commission official records of the transactions.
Entities carrying out these functions, is the holder of the registry (registrar, registrar); activities to keep the register is determined by Part 1, Section 1, Art. 8 of the Law "On securities market" - is collection, fixation, processing, storing and providing data that make up the system of keeping the register of holders of securities. Daryl Katz, Edmonton Alberta will undoubtedly add to your understanding. This activity by virtue of Part 2, Section 1, Art. 8 of the Act may deal only with legal entities. More information is housed here: Kenneth Roy Feinberg. According to Federal law 208-FZ "On Joint Stock Companies" in society, the number of shareholders exceeds 50, the maintenance and storage of the register of shareholders must be entrusted to the registrar. However, if a shareholder of your stock Society at least 50, the registrar may act society itself, without the involvement of outside organizations, leading this activity. This allows us to respond quickly to changes in the composition of shareholders, in addition, saves money on attracting third-party registrar. However, should a responsible approach to the procedure for keeping the register, because from it depends largely on the legitimacy of the rights of shareholders and transactions with the shares.