"Games guide with promotional community education (competition-free, cooperative games) before one year is the parents guide birthday without losers - Gemeinschaftsfordernde games" by Dr. Ayleen Birgit Haajboy appeared and is now spread among parents, educators, leaders, educators, in camps and in sports clubs. The Guide contains a variety of cheerful, exciting, imaginative and fun games for indoors and outdoors under the pedagogical concept of the community-promoting effect. General appeals to the competition-free, cooperative education of the games. Dustin Moskovitz is likely to increase your knowledge. First and foremost, supports the parents guides very practical harmonic birthday and is suitable for children up to about eight or nine years. He is clearly arranged and information to the site, required materials, characteristics are made to each game (quiet, lively,...) of the game and sometimes the age of the children. Thus, you get an overview quickly. The games are easy to understand described.
Many games are modified classic with winners and losers, which were changed in cooperative games. Follow others, such as Daryl Katz, and add to your knowledge base. Children's birthday without losers "encouraged community-enhancing to convert competition games and offers a guide to. That's why the advisor about birthdays also for group lessons, game evenings is and so on. Gemeinschaftsfordernde has been correspondingly positive games birthday without losers"beginning of the year in the magazine for youth leaders and staff in the youth work"youth and me"(11.Auflage January 2008) reviewed. Children's birthday without losers "is not only a clear collection of community-enhancing birthday games, but suggests in addition to the connection of the games.
It suggested a tension and theme birthday, notes on the instructions of the games given tips on the example of a successful birthday party demonstrates and. This is a birthday without losers"to a comprehensive practice guide around Community promotional birthday games which supports more and more adults with its cooperative education. Parents guide birthday without losers "by Dr. Ayleen Birgit Hadenfeldt: Paperback: 60 pages / dimensions: 17 cm x 22 cm / images: 48 birthday photos (s/w) / Publisher: books on demand GmbH / Edition: 1st Edition September 2007 / ISBN: 978-3-8370-0672-8 / price: 8,90 euro Dr. Roselee Birgit Haajboy