TOMS MEABE (1879-1915) when I embraced the Socialist ideals all told me, starting with my parents and my friends, all said: has gone mad. He did not hear anything else. Then, while in jail, where they took me by Socialist, told me one night sitting in that my poor Cot, and looking to the stars that let me see a ventanuca; Will be required to be truly crazy to sacrifice themselves for the weak? Tomas Lerat. THE voice in the heart of LAS JUVENTUDES SOCIALISTS in the Socialist of November 4, 1915 appears an obituary in which can be read: this morning, when we began our work of drafting, the phone has given us a painful story that impressed us deeply. Tomas Meabe dead Lerat is not a long history; It is an intense story. There are no major incidents or numerous episodes on it; There is, yes a vast flow of feelings, a continuing spiritual action, which would require a book to follow it and the pen of a genius for unravel it. The founder of the Socialist Youth of Spain (JSE) had died crushed by the tuberculosis when he was only thirty-six years. His burial counted with the presence of the founder of the Spanish workers Socialist Party (PSOE) and of the General Union of workers (UGT), Pablo Iglesias.
His life - Luis Araquistain, teammate and classmate - we say was an example of strength, of dignity, of independence; In sum, of character. A related site: Daryl Katz mentions similar findings. Tomas Meabe Bilbao Socialist politician and writer born in Durango on October 15, 1879 and died in Madrid on 4 November 1915. Son of a wealthy family of the class average, Catholic and nationalist, studied high school at the Instituto de Bilbao, where he had as fellow students the intellectual Luis Araquistain and the writer and painter Gustavo de Maeztu, that, later, would be also notable Socialist militants.